Brain-cooling treatment for concussion trialled
A new brain-cooling treatment for sports-related concussion is being trialled in professional rugby union.

The cooling cap that aims to save those affected by concussions
Detta trodde ni inte fanns. Kylarmössan! Ny hjälp för hjärnskakningsdrabbade som Alexander Milosevic, Hampus Finndell och Jacob Widell Zetterström. Kan förändra synen på svåra huvudskador: ‘’Det är otroligt viktigt att kyla ner huvudet direkt vid skada”.

Concussion in Sport: Polar Cap Reduces Downtime
Erik Andersson musste die Eishockeykarriere wegen Gehirnerschütterungen beenden. Heute will der Schwede betroffenen Spielern helfen.

PolarCool CEO Interviewed by Sky News
PolarCool AB (publ.) continues to receive attention from international media. The company's CEO Erik Andersson was recently interviewed by the British news channel Sky News, where he discussed the development of the PolarCap® System and his own background as a professional ice hockey player, including his personal experience with concussions.

Edinburgh Rugby Trials Brain Cooling Cap for Concussion Treatment
PolarCap aims to reduce long-term absence due to concussions by cooling the neck and head immidiately after injury

STA Awards | 2024
PolarCool Shortlisted for Medical Company of the Year for the Sports Technology Awards

PolarCap®, a new medical cooling cap for concussion, to be introduced by five BKT URC teams
The BKT URC has entered an agreement with med-tech company PolarCool to introduce the use of new medical cooling caps on players who have suffered concussive injuries, named PolarCap®.

Connacht to use new medical cooling cap on concussed players as part of URC trial
The western province will be the Irish representatives in a five-team feasibility study.

Connacht To Take Part In Initial URC Use Of Medical Cooling Cap For Concussion
The BKT United Rugby Championship has entered an agreement with med-tech company, PolarCool, to introduce the use of new medical cooling caps on players who have suffered concussive injuries, named PolarCap®.

Connacht Rugby to test out new concussion cap over the next year
PolarCap will be used in the acute phase of injury - for at least 45 minutes after a diagnosed concussion

Connacht Rugby to Trial New Concussion treatment
The BKT United Rugby Championship has entered an agreement with med-tech company PolarCool to introduce the use of new medical cooling caps, PolarCap, on players who have suffered concussive injuries.

Shorter Recovery Time in Concussed Elite Ice Hockey Players by Early Head-and-Neck Cooling: A Clinical Trial
Study showing that PolarCap® greatly reduces long-term absence after concussion was published in the Journal of Neurotrauma

New Medical Cooling Cap for Concussion to Be Used by Scarlets
The URC has entered an agreement with med-tech company PolarCool to introduce the use of new medical cooling caps on players who have suffered concussive injuries, named PolarCap®.

Journal of Neurotrauma: Swedish Hockey League (SHL) / Lund University clinical study
fc Business Magazine: Ground-Breaking Concussion Recovery System PolarCap

Sveriges Radio: New method to treat concussions in sports - positive results
En ny metod för att behandla hjärnskakningar inom idrott har testats i flera år – och nu kan den visa positiva resultat

Concussion Alliance: PolarCap’s head cooling speeds recovery in hockey players
A clinical trial published in the Journal of Neurotrauma found that Swedish male elite ice hockey players using the PolarCap System immediately following a sports-related concussion (SRC) returned to play (RTP) significantly sooner.

Study: Acute Cooling for Concussions Enabled Faster Comebacks for Hockey Players
Akut behandling med kontrollerad kylning gjorde att ishockeyspelare med hjärnskakning kunde återgå i spel betydligt snabbare än med standardbehandlingen, enligt en nyligen publicerad femårsstudie.
My plea to World Rugby, one year on from player safety letter
Sir Ian McGeechan Highlights PolarCap® in his recent article for The Telegraph; 'World Rugby must take radical safety changes seriously'

PolarCool’s CEO Sees Increased Demand for PolarCap
In an effort to bring its concussion treatment device to new markets around Europe, PolarCool has recently reached key agreements in Germany, the UK, and Finland.

Rugby and health: how the cooling helmet works to reduce the impact of concussions
PolarCool featured in leading Argentinian Newspaper La Nacion.

BioStock | PolarCool | CEO Interview | April 2022
Biostock interview with the CEO of PolarCool

London Irish to use PolarCap® for 2022/23 campaign
The Club can confirm that the London Irish medical department will be using PolarCap to help with concussion symptoms.

Top 14: PolarCap, the cooling headcap that aims to limit brain injuries due to concussion
Three leading rugby clubs in France, including Stade Français, are testing this device made by a Swedish brand. The helmet is designed to reduce the effects of concussions and enable a quicker return to play.

The National Team’s Unique Machine Cools the Head
Fotbollslandslaget har sneglat på hockeyn. I blågults gömmor på spelarhotellet finns en maskin som kan användas vid hjärnskakning. – Den kyler ner huvudet på ett effektivt sätt, säger Dale Reese, medicinsk koordinator.

CASE/injection molding: The pursuit of optimal design through automated tools and iterative development
The quest for optimal design through automated tools and iterative development

Erik Andersson wants to help others: At times, my mental health struggles have been brutal.
Förra hösten tvingades Erik Andersson avsluta sin hockeykarriär i förtid. Nu vill 37-åringen hjälpa andra hjärnskakningsdrabbade att mildra effekterna - med hjälp av en ishjälm, som samtliga SHL-lag har till sitt förfogande

This is how the new cooling cap works
En ny kylmössa ska lindra effekterna av hjärnskakningar inom idrotten. Civilingenjören och före detta ishockeyspelaren Erik Andersson visar hur mössan fungerar.

Forced to Quit Due to Concussion – Now Working with a New Cooling Cap
Civilingenjören och före detta Skellefteåspelaren Erik Andersson spelade ishockey på elitnivå, men tvingades sluta på grund av för många hjärnskakningar.

Concussions: A major issue in sports – how the brain is affected
Hjärnskakningar är ett stort problem inom idrotter som till exempel ishockey och ridsport. Efter en hjärnskakning finns större risk att drabbas av ytterligare hjärnskakning – men också av andra skador.

Stopped by a concussion – now helping others
För två år sedan kom smällen som tvingade honom att avsluta ishockeykarriären. Nu hjälper Erik Andersson, 37, andra hjärnskakningsdrabbade spelare att komma tillbaka. – En del ställer frågor, en del behöver bara prata, säger han.

Passionate About Reversing the Trend
Han själv tvingades lägga skridskorna på hyllan till följd av hjärnskakningar. Nu har den tidigare Skellefteå- och Malmöbacken Erik Andersson varit med och tagit fram en helt ny behandlingsmetod som ska motverka hjärnskakningarnas effekter på spelarna.

SHL’s New Initiative: Cooling Helmets
En ny kylarhjälm ska minska problemen med hjärnskakningar. Varje SHL-match utrustas med varsin till vardera lag.

The fight against head injuries becomes the hockey star’s path to recovery
Hjärnskakningar satte stopp för Erik Anderssons hockeykarriär. Nu vill han gå en hård kamp för att den skånska innovationen – kylhjälmen – ska få fäste i idrottsvärlden. – Det grämer mig att den inte fanns där när jag behövde den, säger den förre Redhawksspelaren.

Hockeyns huvudvärk: Kall hjälm ska hjälpa
De upprepade hjärnskakningarna och huvudsmällarna på isen har blivit en rejäl huvudvärk för svensk ishockey. Nu ska ett nytt hjälpmedel användas i SHL.

The Cap That Will Counteract the Effects of Concussions – ‘We Want It to Become Like a Defibrillator
Lundaföretaget Polarcools kylmössa har testats av flera klubbar i SHL och Hockeyallsvenskan. Mössan är framtagen för att lindra effekterna vid hjärnskakning.

SHL Players’ Brains Are Cooled Using a New Method
Här är den spektakulära metoden mot hjärnskador som nu testas i det tysta inom SHL: Spelarnas hjärnor kyls ned med en specialhjälm direkt efter en smäll mot huvudet.

Luleå Hockey Participates in Study on Concussions
Hjärnskakningar är ett problem inom hockeyn. Nu har Luleå Hockey gått med i en klinisk studie – där spelarna får kyla ner hjärnan direkt efter en smäll.

Interview: BrainCool on the expanded collaboration with the Swedish Hockey League
Det medicinska kylningsbolaget BrainCool meddelade under tisdagen att man nu samarbetar med åtta lag i Swedish Hockey Leage (SHL) för att i en studie utvärdera BrainCools lösning för akut behandling av hjärnskakning, The Polar Cap System.

New Technology Aims to Mitigate Concussions
Det handlar om en slags mössa som är kopplad till ett kylaggregat. Tanken är att den ska sättas på spelare som drabbas av hjärnskakning och att kylan ska lindra skadorna.

Redhawks First to Test Cooling Helmet Against Concussions
Kylhjälm är det senaste i försöken med att lindra skadeverkningar vid hjärnskakningar i ishockey. Malmö Redhawks är först bland SHL-lagen att testa produkten.

Malmö Redhawks: Pioneers in BrainCool’s Concussion Study
Ishockeylaget Malmö Redhawks har officiellt presenterats som samarbetspartner till medicinteknikbolaget BrainCool AB.

Malmö Redhawks Keep a Cool Head
Malmö Redhawks och Brain Cool AB utvärderar en ny metod för behandling av hjärnskakningar i samband med utövning av idrott, där Redhawks är pionjärer när det gäller att kyla ner hjärnan direkt efter en smäll för att hämma risken i största möjlig mån.

BrainCool: Malmö Redhawks and BrainCool AB (publ) - Evaluating a New Method for Treating Sports-Related Concussions
Malmö Redhawks har inlett ett samarbete med det medicintekniska företaget Brain Cool AB (publ), avseende en klinisk utvärdering av produkten The PolarCap System för behandling av hjärnskakningar

Selective head cooling in the acute phase of concussive injury: a neuroimaging study

Mild Hyperthermia Aggravates Glucose Metabolic Consequences in Repetitive Concussion

From systemic to selective brain cooling – Methods in review

Selective Brain Cooling: A New Horizon of Neuroprotection

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Press Kit [ENG]

Polarcap Product Image 01

Auckland University of Technology
A clinical study in New Zealand involving 35 athletes, including 23 women, examined the effects of cold treatment for 20–30 minutes. The results showed a reduction in acute concussion symptoms among treated individuals, with equal effectiveness observed in both men and women.

University of Miami
A follow-up experimental study from the University of Miami demonstrates both biological benefits and long-term cognitive improvements after cooling in cases of traumatic brain injury (TBI).

University of Miami
An experimental study from the University of Miami found that mild hyperthermia (39°C) in rats with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) resulted in significantly more symptoms compared to those at 37°C, highlighting the impact of temperature regulation on recovery.

Penn state university
A clinical study from Penn State University utilizing functional MRI demonstrated that selective head and neck cooling treatment increases blood flow to the brain—counteracting the reduced blood flow commonly associated with concussions. The study highlights the potential of cold therapy in supporting brain recovery following head trauma.

Journal of Neurotrauma: Swedish Hockey League (SHL) / Lund University clinical study

IFU 2.0 (English) (Date of publication: 2025.01.17)

Understanding the Consequences of Repetitive Subconcussive Head Impacts in Sport: Brain Changes and Dampened Motor Control Are Seen After Boxing Practice

The effect of sub-concussive collisions on brain integrity in colleagiate football players over a single football season: A multi-modal neuroimaging study

Therapeutic Hypothermia After Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: Evaluation of a Regional System to Increase Access to Cooling. (Every hour of delayed cooling increases mortality by 20%)

Noninvasive Selective Brain Cooling by Head and Neck cooling is Protective in Severe TBI

Post-Traumatic Brain Hypothermia Provides Protection from Sensorimotor and Cognitive Behavioral Deficits

Neuroprotective Mechanisms of Hypothermia in Brain Ischaemia

Effects of variation in temperature management on cerebral performance category scores in patients who received therapeutic hypothermia post cardiac arrest. (Every 5 min delay in induction increases odds of the poor outcome by 6%)

Meta-analysis of Therapeutic Hypothermia for Traumatic Brain Injury in Adult and Pediatric Patients

Prophylactic Hypothermia for Traumatic Brain Injury: a Quantitative Systematic Review

Longitudinal Performance of Plasma Neurofilament Light and Tau in Professional Fighters: The Professional Fighters Brain Health Study

Post-Traumatic Brain Hypothermia Reduces Histopathological Damage Following Concussive Brain Injury in the Rat

Cold Blooded: Evaluating Brain Temperature by MRI During
Surface Cooling of Human Subjects

Dynamic blood brain barrier regulation in mild head trauma

Association of Acute Increase in Plasma Neurofilament
Light with Repetitive Subconcussive Head Impacts: A Pilot Randomized Control Trial

Consequences of Repeated Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption in Football Players

Effects of Therapeutic Hypothermia on Inflammasome Signaling After Traumatic Brain Injury

A Military-Centered Approach to Neuroprotection for Traumatic Brain Injury